What are cookies?

Cookies are text files sent to your computer, smartphone, or tablet when you visit a website. They assist in storing and retrieving information about your browsing habits to personalize it according to your preferences. They are non-invasive and harmless. You can delve deeper into this subject by visiting the All About Cookies website.

What types of cookies are used on TRAVEL2CONCERT?

Necessary Cookies: These are essential for the proper functioning of the site, allowing access to sections with security filters. Without these cookies, many available services would not be operational.

Navigation Cookies: These cookies store the volume of page views, loading errors, etc. It’s generic and anonymous. No other visitor data or personal information is included in these cookies. This process is currently managed by the TRAVEL2CONCERT’s Google Analytics account.

Advertising Cookies: These cookies analyze your browsing habits to display advertising related to your user profile. See the Google AdSense cookie usage policy – used by TRAVEL2CONCERT.

By visiting TRAVEL2CONCERT, you accept these cookies on your device.

What if I don’t want to authorize cookies?

At any time, you can choose not to allow the use of cookies. This setting is done in your browser and will block cookies from all sites (not just TRAVEL2CONCERT).

How do I configure my browser?

If you want to manage how your computer’s cookies are collected, follow these steps:

Settings in Internet Explorer

1. Click on the “Tools” menu and choose “Internet Options.”

2. Select the “Privacy” tab.

3. Move the bar to the top, where “Block all cookies” will appear.

For more information on Internet Explorer cookie settings, see the Microsoft page.

Settings in Mozilla Firefox

1. Click on the “Tools” menu;

2. Select “Options”;

3. Click on the “Privacy” icon on the top panel;

4. In the “Cookies” section, disable the option “Accept cookies from websites”;

5. Click “OK” to save the changes and close.

For more information on Mozilla Firefox cookie settings, see the browser’s support page.

Settings in Chrome

1. Click on the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar;

2. Select “Settings”;

3. Click on “Show advanced settings”;

4. In the “Privacy” section, click the “Content settings” button;

5. Select the option “Block third-party cookies and site data.”

For more information on Google Chrome cookie settings, see the Google support page.

Settings in Safari Web and iOS

1. Click on “Edit”;

2. Select “Preferences”;

3. In the top panel, select the “Privacy” icon;

4. In the “Accept cookies” section, select “Never.”

For more information on Safari cookie settings, see the Apple support page.

Other Internet browsers: look in the browser’s “help” menu or contact your program’s support.

Travel 2 Concert complies with the user consent policies of the European Union and Brazil.

Cookie and Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to make changes and corrections to this policy
© 2024 TRAVEL2CONCERT. All rights reserved to Boro Roque Studio.